api projects
the skeleton for the api projects is now in the svn repository on google code (see side bar for the link).
getting started
* use subclipse to connect to http://emcode.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
* check out the api-build project
* from the package explorer, right-click on projects/api-all.psf and select "Import project set" from the context menu
this will check out all of the api projects.
you will see the pattern easily:
* apis for hazards are named 'api-hazards-
* apis for phases are named 'api-phases-
it is anticipated that there will be more hazards added, but that the phases will remain mitigate, prepare, respond, and recover.
this packaging gives us a concrete framework for "all phases, all hazards"
the "common" packages or sub-packages are for convenience.